
进化生活的载体 | 南京中海 • 观山樾 THE EVOLUTION OF THE MOUNTAIN

UMS里表都会 UMS里表都会 2023-09-17


The project is located in the southern area of Fangshan Mount, Jiangning District, Nanjing City. It overlooks Fangshan Mount in the distance in the north, and faces the high-oxygen wetland in the south. The rich natural resources add a clear background to the site design.

极 简 曲 线 的 现 代 建 筑。

Modern Architecture with Minimalist Curves.


The design language we adopted for the architecture: minimalist geometric style, which is the representative symbol of modern architecture. We have adopted both straight and curved design style with more flexible lines and rhythmic arrangements, which are more visually soft and continuous, light and fine, ethereal and simple, making it a pioneer in modern metropolitan aesthetics.


Mix together the minimalist bases extracted from nature, integrate their boundaries in-between, and make the mountains and seas be written into life.

景 观 围 绕 生 活 展 开 设 计。

Landscape is Designed around Life.


We adhere to the vision of coexistence between the city and nature. As the first step in the entire project, the demonstration area has designed small landscape spaces to map the future ecological urban life. Moreover, the landscape covers two different dimensions of life (time & space), and accommodates multiple levels (life, function& nature), creating a natural home with evolutionary significance. In this way, we help the residents here to view and experience the nature.

艺 术 生 活 体 验。

Experience of Art Life.


The entrance space is the beginning of the rituals, showing a clear interface with strong artistic atmosphere. Like a polite gentleman, it is standing there waiting for everyone to tour around, inadvertently bringing visitors into a place to experience natural art.


The landscape continues the arc language of the building, placing two groups of still water surfaces on the left and right like growing from the ground. Combined with plants rooted in nature and future-oriented landscape wall, we aim to offer residents a relaxing and comfortable life experience.

设 计 能 否 融 入 更 多 公 共 性 ?

Can the Design Incorporate More Commonality?


Commonality is a concept associated with “others”, meaning that every individual’s needs are better met while meeting the needs of others.


For the commonality of the landscape space, it must be designed with a suitable space scale to create a comfortable outdoor activity space with rich landscape elements. We need to provide the possibility of a variety of activities, reserve enough space to ensure that the site can be used by a large crowd, create a coherent link and make the eyesight and movement more smooth. The pavement design draws on architectural design language to achieve unity and cohesion.


The free disorder is gradually transformed into order, allowing it to "grow naturally".  The designer cleverly uses modern and simple design techniques to transform artistic aesthetics into modern living space, showing his conception and reinterpretation of a beautiful and comfortable life with his unique understanding of natural beauty.

结 语



Under the background of rapid renewal and upgrading of old and new age, Zhonghai Guanshanyue has become an important demonstration unit leading the renewal of the area value. This is far beyond the scope of a living community; it provides a guideline for future advanced lifestyle in Nanjing.

PROJECT NAME/项目名称南京中海 |观山樾示范区



LANDSCAPE AREA/景观面积:约1400㎡



THE CLIENT TEAM/业主团队:夏天、钱娴、高威涛、唐红梅、包轶楠



LANDSCAPE DESIGN/景观设计:里表都会(北京)规划设计咨询有限公司

HARDCOVER DESIGN/硬装设计:李益中空间设计有限公司

UPHOLSTERY DESIGN/软装设计:矩阵纵横设计股份有限公司

CONSTRUCTION TEAM/施工单位:南京中天园林建设有限公司

OUTDOOR UPHOLSTERY/户外软装:杭州诺特拉斯装饰工程有限公司


里表都会UNLIMITED METROPOLIS 以创造设计价值为初衷,立足首都北京,努力成为多样艺术创意的设计机构,景观设计类型包括高端商业地产、多业态酒店、产业园区、现代居住社区,以及大尺度的公园、城市更新等,服务于万科,华润,中海,远洋,融创等多家优质的开发商。我们的设计不仅致力探索项目的趣味与多样性,同时在其他的设计领域极力探索行业边界,积攒多元化的设计实践经验,并且始终尝试不同领域的设计类型,希望通过设计可以整合零售,生活方式,美学体验等多种不同的方向,形成基于设计的载体,输出多元的价值。

UNLIMITEDMETROPOLIS With the original intention of creating design value, based on the capital Beijing, and striving to become the most artistic and creative landscape design institution in China, the projects include luxury commercial real estate, multi-format hotels, industrial parks, modern residential communities, and large-scale parks and urban renewal. Our team is to develop interest and diversity of the projects, and in other areas to explore design boundary, the accumulation of diversified design practical experience, and always try different type in the field of design, hope to integrated retail, lifestyle, aesthetic experience or different directions.

